
Collaborative intelligence

How can humans and AI join forces to accelerate the green transition?

Key takeaways


AI is not a zero-sumgame

AI is not a zero-sumgame. If we collaborate it will be a win-win for public as well as privateorganisations and institutions.


AI helps to reach green goals

AI can help us reach our green goals by filling up the employee shortage.


Start AI today for business

We need to start implementing AI today to develop best cases that can be shared between businesses.

Get the reports

As part of the /imagine futures initiative and our deep dive into the world of AI we have generated two reports that analyse how AI will influence businesses and the green transition in the future.

Artificial Intelligence: Its Role in the Built Environment and Advancing the Green Transition

Download the report

Increased adoption of AI technologies could be a Game-Changer for Denmark's Growth and Green Ambitions

Download the report
COWI CEO speach